
2Picture MediA NEWS

Pierpaolo Proietti

Pierpaolo Proietti

Pierpaolo Proietti has not set their biography yet

IN ROME a D.O.C Night Out

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There is no denying it, since I stopped working in nightclubs covering almost all the existing roles in that area during my twenty-year career, my weekends have become quite boring and somewhat institutional. I certainly don't go to bed early like David "Noodles" Aaronson (De Niro in Once Upon a Time in America), but my opportunities to meet people "outside the box" have gradually diminished.

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Ea Congrega del Tabaro

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How many of us are familiar with the term tabard? Who among adults and children has ever seen or even had the opportunity to wear one? Without necessarily being a psychic or a persuasive television commentator I arrogate to myself the right to say no one or at most someone whose hair has probably begun to thin out or become gray for years.

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One night @ IMPROVE with PINO Nuvola And Des Moines

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As soon as the artistic installation presented at the Villa Farsetti “Oltre la via della seta” exhibition was inaugurated, a few hours earlier, we started rushing to get us to document the Live on stage performance of the artists “Pino Nuvola” and “Des moines”. ..

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Open Doors with "Beyond The silk Road" Inauguration

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It is impossible to tell you about the vicissitudes through which our agency managed to be (almost) on time with its stand at the opening of Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala, for the contemporary artists exhibition "Beyond the Silk Road. We had already anticipated the event on two other articles that you can read here:
I will only talk about the inauguration to which I had the great honor and great pleasure of having personally participated on Saturday 12 October 2019. The event, conceived and organized by the sculptor from Treviso, Luciano Longo has seen more than 40 artists exhibit their works in special environments that make up the prestigious building...

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2Picture Media goes to Villa Farsetti - "Beyond The Silk Road"

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It is not matter of participating in the third world war, but certainly the commitment and energy that our 2picture.me agency is using to make the best of its appearance at the event that will take place at Villa Farsetti, in Santa Maria di Sala (VE) will not go unnoticed. Nor to the public that will intervene nor to the closest friends and collaborators of 2picture Media who are living together with them the last moments of fibrillation before the imminent opening of Villa Farsetti. It is an exhibition of contemporary art called "Beyond the Silk Road", a suggestive name that takes us back in time to embrace the adventures of the first Europeans (in this case, Venetians) who went beyond the human knowledge of the time in search of new commercial and cultural horizons. The international exhibition of contemporary art "Beyond the Silk Road" will take place from 12 October to 3 November in Villa Farsetti in S. Maria di Sala (Venice) in conjunction with the final period of the Venice Biennale ..

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