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Open Doors with "Beyond The silk Road" Inauguration

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It is impossible to tell you about the vicissitudes through which our agency managed to be (almost) on time with its stand at the opening of Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala, for the contemporary artists exhibition "Beyond the Silk Road. We had already anticipated the event on two other articles that you can read here:
I will only talk about the inauguration to which I had the great honor and great pleasure of having personally participated on Saturday 12 October 2019. The event, conceived and organized by the sculptor from Treviso, Luciano Longo has seen more than 40 artists exhibit their works in special environments that make up the prestigious building...


Villa Farsetti is a collection of buildings located in the Municipality of Santa Maria di Sala. The buildings have been made available to the public maintaining the original architecture. Now it houses a sort of multi-purpose center with offices, shops and laboratories of various kinds. The origin of this villa dates back even before 1200, when from the old and authentic documents it belonged to the patrician family of Padua, the Sala. In the mid-1700s, the old palace was demolished and the abbot Filippo Farsetti built his villa there, building gardens, labyrinths, cedar trees, greenhouses, groves and the botanical garden. An authentic little green oasis that was gratified by the significant presence of the public at the event on Saturday 12th October.


The prestigious central building that used to be the manor house with its innumerable rooms is the theater of "contemporary art Personals", that is each artist with a space at his disposal to exhibit his works. The rooms, set up specifically through the expertise, dedication and hard work of Tomaso Longo who with "Calmaggiore Studio" and Nicolò Longo children of the sculptor, have allowed the artists participating in this prestigious event to present the fruits of their work to the public in a truly sumptuous manner. The artists present are of multiple nationalities. The presence of local artists is also noteworthy.

Some who have not been able to attend in person have sent their works, including the Russian artist Liouba Roschyna (Luba) who has entrusted the implementation of the exhibition to the expert and very busy hands of 2Picture Media. Everyone has its vicissitudes, it would seem. Liouba met Patrick while he was in Africa intent on making a documentary in the Songo Songo archipelago (South Tanzania) of which a spoiler will be shown on the stand of "Picture Media. Needless to tell you the hardships through which the young hyperrealist painter had to pass in attempt to be present, for now her paintings have arrived to us, one day who knows ... In the meantime Luba after having spent several years in Zanzibar (place that inspired many of his recent works) continues to spend her time on the great African continent and now she is in Kenya in Nairobi.

All the artists present have their personal adventure to tell. And they tell their stories through the multiple elements on which they wanted to trace the tangible sign of their thinking and their emotions. The Egyptian painter Gamal Meleka, the same creator of the symposium in Sharm El Sheik which exhibits its huge canvases with vibrant pride. The Artists tell their stories through the multiple elements on which they wanted to trace the tangible sign of their thoughts and their emotions: their creations.
Continuing to walk in raptures, we go through every single environment going from a blatant hyperrealism to a surrealism of other times until we reach a pure monochromatic abstraction. There are also many beautiful sculptures that contribute to making the enormous and habitually uninhabited environment even more surreal.


Large staircases lead us past the luminous hall where the works of Luciano Longo, the Deus ex machina of the event are exhibited. The sculptures are part of the Anguaneide collection which combined Luciano's works in the thoughtful verses of the esteemed writer Lucio Carraro from Treviso. We cross the majestic oval hall which also houses the works of Luciano Buso. The artist born in Treviso, shares not only the name and the passion for art but also a lasting friendship and acquaintance with the sculptor of which he was a high school mate and a course student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice. His works add realism to the whole environment and seem to spread food fragrances all around. Completely enraptured by the beauty that surrounds us, we pass by the figures with the exaggerated forms of the artist Franco Fonzo. He too, like Luciano, originally from Treviso where he lives and works. An artist already known by 2Picture who had seen some of his works at the Fair of modern and contemporary art at the Longarone (BL) exhibition center at the annual "Arte in Fiera Dolomiti".

The sculptures that share the same exhibition floor as the other artists just mentioned guide us ideologically through the further two floors through which the exhibition unfolds whose path is underlined by the presence of an artistic installation by the Venetian artist Luciana Zabarella consisting of a set of red threads sinuously arranged almost like post-modern thread of Arianna. Our eyes are lost in the vain attempt to decipher the message of the lived behind every single work, some of them really of impact, especially highlighted by the white nakedness of the light plaster on the walls. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but not everyone knows how to perceive it and here the magical atmosphere of Villa Farsetti comes into play. Note also the presence of the Turkish artist Nejdet Vergili from Istanbul, present despite the current difficult historical period with his works in soft colors.

The event was officially inaugurated by Professor Lidia Mazzetto, once deputy mayor of Noale who gave an elegant welcome speech in the main hall in front of a large audience. The Councilor for Culture of Santa Maria di Sala Luca Morosin was also present to further confirm the importance of this event from the socio-cultural point of view. The heterogeneous crowd composed of people of various social backgrounds and disparate ages also appreciated the generous buffet composed of gourmet products selected by Chef Giuseppe Agostini. The appreciated local restaurateur, with his highly efficient staff, also provided catering during the inauguration. A special thanks goes to the Cantina "Ponte" which has provided its Prosecco to further brighten the already festive environment..



TANTARTE: https://www.tantarte.org/

LUCIANO LONGO: http://www.lucianolongo.it/

We leave you now with a few shots of the opening. If you want to know more about TANTARTE and Luciano Longo check the links below. and keep following us on our blog here or on our Facebook Page HERE : http://www.facebook.com/2picture

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