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Ea Congrega del Tabaro

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How many of us are familiar with the term tabard? Who among adults and children has ever seen or even had the opportunity to wear one? Without necessarily being a psychic or a persuasive television commentator I arrogate to myself the right to say no one or at most someone whose hair has probably begun to thin out or become gray for years.


In fact, it is a quite obsolete piece of clothing whose use despite the passing of time has never been completely abandoned, especially in these districts. Let's see what we are dealing with by first analyzing the historical information we have and then meeting a local craftsman who has remained one of the few to this day to be able to make one respecting the classical tradition.

The etymology of the term tabarro is uncertain, it seems to date back to the late Latin "tabardus" or "tabardum" to indicate variably the mantle, the robe or the toga. The use of the term is particularly widespread in Veneto, reflecting the direct Venetian influence, often also synonymous with a hood, the tabard is a type of ancient cloak, large, round, wheeled, made of heavy fabric made impermeable with special techniques of craftsmanship handed down from generation to generation. to ride a horse and then, with the advent of modernity, by bike or motorbike.Usually tinted dark-colored, with lapel, it has only one lacing point under the chin, a single seam on the back and is kept closed one end over the opposite shoulder so as to wrap the garment around the body Each model has its precise historical and geographical location characterized by ancient values in memory of a universe of cultural and ethnic symbols specific to the area.

20 Years of solid Tradions

How could 2Picture Media ever miss to meet and taking pictures of the multi-purpose artist Tiziano Spigariol, one of the very few holders of these precious sartorial secrets? We are talking about one of those now very rare artisans capable of making this wonderful and versatile as well as elegant garment. In fact, we have not missed this chance and we were pleased to be present and operational on the occasion of the celebration of the first 20 years of "Ea congara del Tabaro" which was held on the stage of the Academic Theater of Castelfranco. This event was followed by a lunch organized for the twentieth anniversary of the Compagnia del Tabarro at the renowned Terrazza Roma restaurant. During lunch the Marvasia project was also presented. The significant presence of students who participated was guaranteed by a Local Middle School. Franco Pivotti responsible for the cultural and scholastic services of the Municipality of Castelfranco Veneto was present. Elena Donazzan, Councilor for Education, Training, Work and Equal Opportunities of the Veneto Region was also present at both events. An enterprising and elegant woman, always involved in social policies and in favor of children, also belonging to the Congrega del Tabaro.

Multi-Purpose Craftmanship

The artisan born in Treviso who is also a valued poet, looks like a gentleman of other times and not only for the very elegant tabard he wears. His manners are very cordial and his perspicacity and conviviality strike us immediately. We interview him with pure curiosity. Between a photo and a grapnel we make him an avalanche of questions to which he responds with a great wealth of details that make us understand that the tabard is only a facet of the multiple activities he undertook successfully. In fact, Tiziano is: poet, writer, actor, singer, journalist, multi-purpose craftsman as well as having already been a clothing teacher at the Professional Training Center of Lancenigo (TV) and having carried out the duties of coordinator for the Triveneto of the Committee of European Clothing Technical Managers during his youth. Nowadays he lives in Mogliano Veneto and leads a tailoring business in Preganziol that offers characteristic features and clothes of the past. He is currently a lover of healthy local traditions and founder and president of the Congrega del Tabaro.

It is impossible only with the words telling you about such a multifaceted character completely, so we will now let you admire the shots for the day, taken by our photographer Patrick Comiotto, who on this particular occasion himself became a proud member of the Congrega del Tabarro.

If you would like to know more about Tiziano, The "Congrega" and the "tabarrificio Trevisano" follow this link : http://www.tabarrificiotrevisano.com/

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