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One night @ IMPROVE with PINO Nuvola And Des Moines
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As soon as the artistic installation presented at the Villa Farsetti “Oltre la via della seta” exhibition was inaugurated, a few hours earlier, we started rushing to get us to document the Live on stage performance of the artists “Pino Nuvola” and “Des moines”. ..
The musicians performed first individually and then improvised a piece together. Both of them offering their own refined musical taste completely devoid of labels. The initiative was promoted and carried out at the well-equipped facilities of IMPROVE. This is a social promotion association founded in 2018 by Christian Fior and his associates. Thanks to the collaboration and commitment of a group of local volunteers, as a small family, day after day they laid the foundations for the realization of an original and ambitious project. The IMPROVE philosophy is based on the idea of free sharing of music, experiences and sensations. The objective of IMPROVE is to be able to offer the possibility of giving free rein to the passions and interests of all, without distinction of age, sex or nationality thus making available a free and multi-functional space, which aims to collect, within it, a community of people united and moved by the same keyword: ART !
Following this imaginary thread that links every human artistic expression, we have flown from one province to another in constant competition with the hands of the clock, succeeding (this time) to be punctual to resume and immortalize the local artist Pino Nuvola. We met the artist on a previous occasion where he had experimented with a new musical instrument at a private party. The musician performed in front of a careful and concentrated audience with his favorite instrument, his natural appendix: the acoustic guitar. His style someone defines jus as personal, a definition that sounds quite simplistic, could easily be confused with the Irish folk.
We could define it in simple terms as a combination of romantic blues and popular music. Pino, seems clearly inspired by artists like Chris Brokaw and Jozef Van Wissem with who also worked and Michael Chapman with whom he will soon play together. It is not easy to describe with words the wonderful harmonies and intoxicating and effective sounds like those we have just heard. We tried to ask him that in his page he simply defines: a Minstrel, as in the interview we did after the concert and that we propose to you at the end of this article, you may draw your own conclusions. After him, we also had the pleasure of interviewing Desmoines, who instead of Pino performed “away” just to use a football euphemism. He, born artistically and residing in Bologna following the fortuitous encounter with Pino, was invited to the concert precisely because with his unique and indefinable style he was a natural complement to the artistic line of this event. Of him we can say that with his way of playing the almost surgical guitar compared to the more passionate one of Pino he is certainly the best musical partner that this concert could ever have. Concert that the two musicians concluded playing together in perfect synergy, for the pleasure of the audience composed mostly by young people.
By the way, did you know that both artists perform using pseudonyms? If you are curious about their true identities, visit their Facebook pages following the links in this article. We also asked Desmoines during the interview that we had with him and Pino trying to define his musical style. He also mentioned the artists with whom he collaborated and who produced his first EP, some members of the Julie’s haircut group (http://www.julieshaircut.com/). I don't know if he was able to explain himself completely, but somehow we got the point… For a video interview with these two talented artists take a look below …
If you'd like to know more visit the following links :
IMPROVE: https://www.facebook.com/saleimprove/
PINO NUVOLA: https://www.rockit.it/pinonuvola/biografia
DES MOINES: https://www.loudd.it/recensione/larcheologia-intima-della-musica/des-moines_2460