
2Picture MediA NEWS


Here is a list of articles regarding new shoots and work in progress.

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Within the context of a Festival called "Between Books and Thoughts-how to read changes", Sunday the 27th of November I presented officially a new project that is slowly taking shape. Thanks to the Borough of Valdobbiadene (TV), I will exhibit a series of 25 pictures, as well as a short documentary, at "Villa dei Cedri" in April 2023. My hope is that this will spark a new life into the work of a dear friend of mine Malcolm Ryen with whom I spent a bit of time in a true paradise on earth. Following a few chats with the councilor for culture of the municipality of Valdobbiadene (TV), Giorgia Falcade, I was delighted to see that she was really happy to help me put this exhibit together. The project is about a small archipelago in the Indian Ocean south of Zanzibar (Unguja) called SongoSongo. Here lives a Matumbi Tribe that is made of Fishermans and their children..

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Futurism and the "Futurable" - Galleria Allegra Ravizza

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110 years have passed since the first sensational publication of the Futurist Manifesto drawn up by F.T.Marinetti, poet, writer and brilliant communicator. A literally forerunner document that inaugurated a disruptive and unprecedented mode of communication for the culture of that period. For a long time wrongly considered fruit and subject of mere political propaganda or deceptive literary slag assimilable to the nascent form of today's advertising, it still represents a novelty before other forms of European avant-garde. Precisely in virtue of the very essence that led to its birth: a look beyond time for a perennially futuristic overall vision to the total challenge of eternity.

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One night @ IMPROVE with PINO Nuvola And Des Moines

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As soon as the artistic installation presented at the Villa Farsetti “Oltre la via della seta” exhibition was inaugurated, a few hours earlier, we started rushing to get us to document the Live on stage performance of the artists “Pino Nuvola” and “Des moines”. ..

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ANGA Veneto, The future of Italian Agriculture

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During the first couple of weeks of November we spent a little bit of time with the 7 presidents of the ANGA association of the Veneto Region in Northern Italy. (National Association of Young Farmers). Seven presidents for seven provinces of the Veneto Region in Northern Italy; Verona, Padova, Treviso, Venezia, Rovigo, Vicenza and Belluno. Time well spent as posted not long ago on our Facebook page in a brief article.  

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Fattoria Tita & Glo

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During the last few months we spent quite a bit of time in this amazing place and so after talking to Christian and Gloria, proud Owners of this "Haflinger" Farm and Western Riding school, we decided it was worth putting into film. We wanted to give an idea in a short, 4 minute clip, of what they do and also where and we hope we achieved that.     

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