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Blog posts tagged in ski

Testing jumps with Simone Canal

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As the winter season is definitely over I was looking at some shots taken with Simone Canal a couple of months ago and since there are some ideas "flying" around I wanted to post this short clip. Many thanks to Simone that is very patient and we hope to be able, for the next season, to shoot some great footage with him.


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Adamello SKI Raid 2015

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Last sunday, the 12 of April we were with "The Coral Climb" filming some scenes for an upcoming documentary by "Marco Preti". All this was during the 2015 edition of the Super famous "Adamello Ski Raid" Competition, one of the toughest and most beautiful mountaineering ski competitions out there. There were athletes from some 13 countries that competed on a particularly beautiful day on these amazing peaks in the Italian Alps. The podium was taken By Matteo Eydallin and Damiano Lenzi as well as Michele Boscacci and Robert Antonioli

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Cinque Torri and Tofana di Rozes a day with Manrico Dell'Agnola

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So before it's too late I am going to post the last gallery for this winter Snow. It was indeed a glorious week-end in the company of Manrico Dell'Agnola and Katia. We started with some pictures on the slopes just below the "Tofana" as Manrico needed some shots there and we slowly moved to the Cinque Torri with a couple of stops on the Passo Giau that this year received an incredible amount of snow !!! 

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Video shared on in Shooting

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