CNSAS, Soldato Semplice, and a little pinch of BioGroove

The last couple of days have been quite busy for 2Picture as we were invited at the studio of TeleBelluno, a local television broadcast, to present in a quick interview with Andrea Cecchella, a low-budget short-film that we worked on last year for the CNSAS of AGORDO (BL). RadioBelluno followed shortly after and there, with Donatella Boldo, we talked about a few projects we were part of including the latest "Soldato Semplice" (check out the official website at for details) with Paolo Cevoli, Luca Lionello and Antonio Orefice as well as an upcoming project of ours with the "BIOGROOVE" duo (Nino Errera and Vito Amato).
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