2Picture MediA NEWS
CNSAS, Soldato Semplice, and a little pinch of BioGroove
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The last couple of days have been quite busy for 2Picture as we were invited at the studio of TeleBelluno, a local television broadcast, to present in a quick interview with Andrea Cecchella, a low-budget short-film that we worked on last year for the CNSAS of AGORDO (BL). RadioBelluno followed shortly after and there, with Donatella Boldo, we talked about a few projects we were part of including the latest "Soldato Semplice" (check out the official website at www.soldatosemplice.it for details) with Paolo Cevoli, Luca Lionello and Antonio Orefice as well as an upcoming project of ours with the "BIOGROOVE" duo (Nino Errera and Vito Amato).
CNSAS and "Una giornata con il Soccorso Alpino"
Soon the short film that we called "Una giornata con il Soccorso Alpino" will be shown to viewers of TeleBelluno thanks to the kindness of Andrea C. that was very pleased, and pleasanlty surprised too, when we brought him the video to check out. We wrote an article a while ago with some more details and you can read it by clicking HERE. Also DO check out the "TEASER" below and keep an eye on this space to get a schedule for broadcast. Another video will also be shown and this one will be about 60 years of history of the CNSAS and in particular the Station of "Agordo" (BL). There are some interesting clips in the video from the 1960's to Current times as well as a ton of original photographic material that was kindly given to us by many of the past and present members of the Station.
RADIO BELLUNO our "Host of the Day"
For me being "on AIR" it's always a scary thing to do but Donatella Boldo is a great Host and always makes me feel at ease. We talked about CNSAS as well as our latest work for the "BACKSTAGE" of the movie "Soldato Semplice" (official website at www.soldatosemplice.it for details) Directed and produced as well by PAOLO CEVOLI with the 2nd Unit Directed by Marco Preti (CORAL CLIMB). Also HERE you can see our previous article on this. And if you'd like to hear the interview click on the player below:
And soon it will be "BIOGROOVE" !!!
Of course we also briefly discussed our never-ending project for the incredible "BIOGROOVE" duo with Nino Errera and Vito Amato but this is another story and in the next couple of weeks we will post an official teaser for the upcoming new 2Picture media short. In the meantime Read about it on our PREVIOUS BLOGS by clicking HERE !! and watch one of the 4 trailers we posted some time ago ;-)