
2Picture MediA NEWS


Good Morning BIOGROOVE on the Air with RADIO Belluno

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A brief update on BIOGROOVE this morning. We'll be talking at 11:00 am on a Local Radio about the extravagant Duo composed by Nino Errera and Vito Amato from Sicilly.  

"Radio Belluno" has kindly invited us to have a chat about them and the adventure that is going to take place in the U.S.A with final destination: "Carnegie Hall".  (read all about it on previous posts by clicking HERE and also HERE)

Thanks to "Gioventù Musicale d'Italia" which is the italian section of the international organisation "Federation Internationale des jounesse Musicales" ,2Picture will be following them for an "On the road" filming trip.

You can keep an ear on the program at the following address http://www.radiobelluno.it/ascoltaci.html , so without further ado, Good Moorning BIOGROOVE !!  

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