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Blog posts tagged in musicvideo

Carlo Colombo 4et "Swing italiano d'autore" new album "PENSO LENTO"

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A few years ago I met Carlo Colombo during an event at "Villa Buzzati", just on the outskirts of Belluno.  He is a really talented musician and I wanted to post a few words regarding his latest project called "Officine GOLOB" as well as his latest creation "PENSO LENTO" 

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Biogroove Water Music

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It has been a while since we wrote something here. Busy months those of winter and here we would like to show you a short clip that we did with BioGroove sometime ago.

It was done during a visit to Sicily last year and it will be part of a short that is still work in progress. We hope to be able to show it to you soon. In the meantime we hope you enjoy this little gem.

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Mole MoonWalktet and their new Single "Mi Piaci se Taci" from the album "Manuale per Funamboli" finally we have a face or rather a lot of faces in this brand new Video.

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Cowboys and Snow, at the Duran Pass

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So it was a couple of Interesting days. We spent them on the Duran Pass, between the "Rifugio San Sebastiano" and "Rifugio Carestiato" helping out on a shoot for a soon to come video of a Jazz piece written by three excellent Swedish musicians.

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