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Carlo Colombo 4et "Swing italiano d'autore" new album "PENSO LENTO"

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A few years ago I met Carlo Colombo during an event at "Villa Buzzati", just on the outskirts of Belluno.  He is a really talented musician and I wanted to post a few words regarding his latest project called "Officine GOLOB" as well as his latest creation "PENSO LENTO" 

PENSO LENTO - Music without "Time"

Carlo is a pianist, author and swing singer and for the past 20 years has been writing songs. Inspired by italian Masters such as Natalino Otto, Rodolfo de Angelis, Lelio Luttazzi, Fred Buscaglione, Renato Carosone, and my personal favorite, Paolo Conte. "PENSO LENTO" will be his 5th album and it´s made of 12 tracks, of which 10 original songs and 2 covers.

On this particular project Carlo is working with a quartet that is made of the following artists:

Carlo Colombo piano & voice
Renato Peppoloni Drums
Giorgio Panagin bass 
Stefano Gajon clarinet, organo & glockenspiels

Carlo for this particular project has decided to go the "CrowdFunding Way" and has started raising the cash needed to sponsor the basic costs of the new CD.  I thought it would be very cool to give him a hand and if you want to know more follow the whole thing on his "MUSICRAISER" page HERE:  https://www.musicraiser.com/projects/6778 

If you´d like to participate you can get for as little as 25 euro a copy of the New CD "PENSO LENTO" with a signed T-Shirt or if you fell more the need for a special evening with a 100 euro you can get him to solo with a Piano just for you... 

I´ll leave you with a short video we made during the concert he organised at "Villa Buzzati" and I hope Carlo will meet his project goal very soon !!  CONGRATULATIONS !!   

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