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Blog posts tagged in Exhibition
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Within the context of a Festival called "Between Books and Thoughts-how to read changes", Sunday the 27th of November I presented officially a new project that is slowly taking shape. Thanks to the Borough of Valdobbiadene (TV), I will exhibit a series of 25 pictures, as well as a short documentary, at "Villa dei Cedri" in April 2023. My hope is that this will spark a new life into the work of a dear friend of mine Malcolm Ryen with whom I spent a bit of time in a true paradise on earth. Following a few chats with the councilor for culture of the municipality of Valdobbiadene (TV), Giorgia Falcade, I was delighted to see that she was really happy to help me put this exhibit together. The project is about a small archipelago in the Indian Ocean south of Zanzibar (Unguja) called SongoSongo. Here lives a Matumbi Tribe that is made of Fishermans and their children..

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On Thursday 8 September I was invited to the inauguration of an interesting project by an established photographer of the Italian scene. Born in Senigallia where he graduated in 1991 in sociology. A professional with great experience also in the cinematographic field. (2003 - Try to fly) For his complete biography visit: LORENZO CICCONI MASSI

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Open Doors with "Beyond The silk Road" Inauguration

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It is impossible to tell you about the vicissitudes through which our agency managed to be (almost) on time with its stand at the opening of Villa Farsetti in Santa Maria di Sala, for the contemporary artists exhibition "Beyond the Silk Road. We had already anticipated the event on two other articles that you can read here:
I will only talk about the inauguration to which I had the great honor and great pleasure of having personally participated on Saturday 12 October 2019. The event, conceived and organized by the sculptor from Treviso, Luciano Longo has seen more than 40 artists exhibit their works in special environments that make up the prestigious building...

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We have spent the day, Luciano, Tomaso and I, setting up the exhibit at the "Chiostro di San Francesco" in the city of Treviso (TV) as I was mentioning on my last post, this will be running from the 4th of May 2019 until the 14th and there will be an official presentation on sunday the 5th at 17:00 (there was a little change in plan as originally it was supposed to be in the morning...) with a few surprises that we hope you will like if you come and pay a visit.

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