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Blog posts tagged in Art Gallery

IN ROME a D.O.C Night Out

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There is no denying it, since I stopped working in nightclubs covering almost all the existing roles in that area during my twenty-year career, my weekends have become quite boring and somewhat institutional. I certainly don't go to bed early like David "Noodles" Aaronson (De Niro in Once Upon a Time in America), but my opportunities to meet people "outside the box" have gradually diminished.

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Futurism and the "Futurable" - Galleria Allegra Ravizza

Posted on in Shooting

110 years have passed since the first sensational publication of the Futurist Manifesto drawn up by F.T.Marinetti, poet, writer and brilliant communicator. A literally forerunner document that inaugurated a disruptive and unprecedented mode of communication for the culture of that period. For a long time wrongly considered fruit and subject of mere political propaganda or deceptive literary slag assimilable to the nascent form of today's advertising, it still represents a novelty before other forms of European avant-garde. Precisely in virtue of the very essence that led to its birth: a look beyond time for a perennially futuristic overall vision to the total challenge of eternity.

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