2Picture MediA NEWS
Remember, remember...
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The tile is a reminder of the notorious poem written by an anonymous in the 17th century for the 5th of november, Guy Fawkes' Day, the day in 1605 when a conspiracy by Fawkes and other Catholics to blow up the English Parliament and assassinate King James was uncovered.
You may ask, what the hell has this to do with "Marzia Da Rold" and 2picture media? Well the answer is simple, revolution.
This is a call to a revolution of the mind and spirit which everyone should start joining. Everyone should know about the countless ways we can heal ourselves, the countless ways we can be kind to our surroundings and our senses and the countless ways we can improve as human beings.
Yesterday was a good day for 2picture media and the people involved in filming a few scenes at the studio of This incredible artist and healer. Marzia introduced us to her beautful Monochord and tibetan bells, as well as some of the techniques she uses to cure people through the vibrations of sounds, light and colours. Soon we'll release through a website that is under construction (www.lotoarmonico.it) the material that we shot with her and her fantastic trio.
So ... Remember remember the 23rd of November