
2Picture MediA NEWS


One busy Sunday with Soccorso Alpino, Sezione di Agordo

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In the mist of all things coming our way here is a little light from last sunday on the 8th of June. We spent it with the guys from the Mountain rescue Team of "Agordo" that, for who does not know is a town and comune sited in the Province of Belluno, in the Veneto region in Italy. It is located about 100 kilometres north of Venice and about 20 kilometres northwest of Belluno.

Thanks to Diego Favero, class 1973 and proud Host of the "Rifugio Carestiato" (If you are interested we have a short ... winter movie about that if you CLICK HERE) we have been asked by Giorgio Farenzena (Head of the Agordo Rescue Team) to work on a short video showing a training excercise.

We got busy early in the day at about 6 am. climbing started and shooting too. The operation took place on the "via Benvegnù" at the "Torre Paola" on the "Moiazza" in the eastern Dolomites.

The Simulation involved rescueing a climbing party using the "Graminger", a particular Harness that is used to lower the injured climber to a safe level where he can be placed on a "stretcher" to be further carried down, at the base of the wall, with a system called "Lecchese".

We thank the all the Members of the Team present (more than 18 people) and particularly the team that was busy at the top of "Croda Paola":

Farenzena Giorgio, Capo Stazione Tecnico Soccorso Alpino,

Favero Diego, Vice Capo Stazione Istruttore regionale Soccorso Alpino

De Nardin Elvis, operatore Soccorso Alpino

Brancaleone Massimo operatore, Soccorso Alpino

Costantino Michele , operatore, Soccorso Alpino

Lena Gabriele operatore, Soccorso Alpino

Costa Massimo, operatore Soccorso Alpino Medico

Ben Losis, operatore Soccorso Alpino

Decima Simone, operatore Soccorso Alpino

Deon Matteo, Aspirante operatore, operatore Soccorso Alpino

One thing I notice during the whole day is for sure !!!  

Being part of the Mountain Rescue Team is not a JOB .. it's a PASSION and we all should be grateful to these guys, regardless of all the controversy and polemics that are often too easily raised... 

We hope you will like the pictures and shortly we'll have a full gallery online and a trailer of the movie ;-)  COMING SOON !!!!

Keep an eye on this space and again

THANK YOU Giorgio, Thank you Diego and THANK YOU "Soccorso Alpino" !!!!

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