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ANGA Veneto, The future of Italian Agriculture
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During the first couple of weeks of November we spent a little bit of time with the 7 presidents of the ANGA association of the Veneto Region in Northern Italy. (National Association of Young Farmers). Seven presidents for seven provinces of the Veneto Region in Northern Italy; Verona, Padova, Treviso, Venezia, Rovigo, Vicenza and Belluno. Time well spent as posted not long ago on our Facebook page in a brief article.
"ANGA Veneto" is an association that has its roots on "CONFAGRICOLTURA". It is in fact, an integral part of it, and while operating on it´s organizational "backbone" it still maintains it´s own technical and economical independence. It´s main goal is to emphasize the generational turnover promoting the attractiveness and sustainability of farming.
All of this through the various activities they promote, aimed at an improved communication and marketing strategy as well as dedicated training, conventions and both formal and informal meetings.
We would like to show you this promo for an upcoming short that will show some of these young farmers dealing with very successful and established businesses and carrying into the future, agriculture and all the processes related to it. For more information on ANGA and Confagricoltura visit their official websites here: http://confagricolturaveneto.it/anga-veneto/ and here: http://confagricolturaveneto.it and keep an eye for the release of the short video in the next couple of weeks.