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FieraCavalli 2017, Confagricoltura meets Giuseppe Castiglione

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Last week we were invited by "Confagricoltura" at the 119th edition of FieraCavalli in Verona. Confagricoltura Veneto has organized this year a stand where a study on the industry, conducted in collaboration with "CGIA" from Mestre, was presented. Confagricoltura President "Lodovico Giustiniani", together with the President of the "Ente Fiera" Maurizio Danese, and the President of Confagricoltura Verona "Paolo Ferrarese" welcomed for the occasion the undersecretary for Agriculture "Giuseppe Castiglione".  Giuseppe Castiglione sits on the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.


As stated on the official Fiera Cavalli website :  http://www.fieracavalli.it/en , This is "HISTORY GOING BACK MORE THAN A CENTURY". Verona has always been a landmark for horse breeding and this started in 1772 when the first trade fair took place. This edition boasts incredible numbers with more than 160 thousand visitors coming from more than 63 countries, more than 3 thousand horses from 60 different breeds, over 200 appointments between animation, competitions etc, and top of the line products on display from more than 750 firms that were exhibiting.

We filmed a brief overview of the Fair with particular attention to the conference that was held by Confagricoltura and the various contributions made by Giuseppe Castiglione, Lodovico Giustiniani, and The president of the Agricultural Commission for the Veneto Region "Sergio Berlato". 

The "Horse industry" has come a long way and it looks like an exciting future for many of the companies and people involved. Goethe wrote, following studies conducted from 1719 to 1758 by Friedric Hoffmann and Sammuel Theodor Quelmalz from Lipsia, "... Man and horse merge as an individual being, in a measure that it would be impossible to tell which of the two is actually training the other... " 

We leave you now with this quick video press report from "Edoardo Comiotto" and we hope to see you all for the 120th edition in 2018 of Fiera Cavalli in Verona !!! 

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