2Picture MediA NEWS
A short in the making
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Often things happen when yout least expect them, yesterday was indeed proof of that. The weather was more than friendly to the crew of Monica Mazzitelli, Donatella Altieri and Sergio Pennisi, shooting for a new production in the vicinity of "Duran Pass" (Italian:Passo Duran) (el. 1601 m.) a high mountain pass in the Dolomitesin the province of Belluno in Italy.
Everything was short of perfection, with big thanks to Ermes Vigne as well, which honoured the set with a gorgeous "1955 Mercury Monterey". Soon I'll post a photo gallery with backstage pictures, of which, some are already available on our facebook page too.
On the blog "shot" is Marco Costa, one of the actors during a scene inside the Monterey.