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The History of GunPowder - IMPROVE - Castelfranco Veneto
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Surely there is a reason for which the Canadian Blues/Rock Band "The History of Gunpowder" decided to travel more than 4000 Miles to come and play here in Castelfranco Veneto on the 1st of June. This is mostly due to the synergistic collaboration with the association called "IMPROVE".
Personally I don't think it was just to promote their musical message or the musical performance, profoundly equipped with mystical/anthropological "flavours"..
The History of Gunpowder arrived here for reasons that go well beyond the grim commercial logistics or the "cold" pop tours. They performed at the beautiful location managed by "IMPROVE" in "Via Sile 24" in Castelfranco Veneto, and they gave their best also thanks to Christian one of the association Founders. Christian has acted as their "stage manager" and has contributed to let the band express themselves also by mitigating the technical issues with speed and competence.
BLUES, ROCK, Experimental
Equally well should be said of the great work done by Matteo Cusinato as a sound engineer who added value to the already evocative and phantasmagoric show offered on stage by the band in front of a very attentive audience made up of different age groups and social backgrounds.
Their music is a mixture of blues and rock with melodic variations consisting of the Electric Cello and sax, based on solid percussion and fluidized through the versatile voice of Alex Morrison that accompanies his guitar, sometimes too transgressive and scratchy but at times melodiously moving. A show based entirely on their original songs lasting over an hour that can only leave everyone who had the opportunity to participate including the author of this article very satisfied. I leave you now with a brief interview with the Band that concluded its Italian and German Tour.
If you'd like to know more visit the following links :
IMPROVE: https://www.facebook.com/saleimprove/
History of GunPowder: https://www.facebook.com/historyofgunpowder/