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Contamination - Art as a Humanizing Experience - Anguaneide at Zephiro

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Last Saturday morning, at around 11:30 we finally closed another chapter of our "Anguaneide". After 21 days as being honored guests of the "Spazio Zephiro" in Castelfranco Veneto we set the "Sipario" with a small presentation of what the future will hold for our mythological and beautiful creatures. 


As the morning went on with people looking around at the Sculptures of Luciano Longo, the words of Lucio Carraro and my pictures, we were delighted by the wonderful culinary treats offered by Giuseppe Agostini and his Brother, and partner in business, Michele Agostini. Luciano then, entertained us with a "body art" performance with the help of Nadia Brian that modelled for the occasion while being decorated with the aid of Honey and flowers, so to represent the Gentler part of nature, idealizing the concept of how we should all start again to respect our mother earth and all she offers to humanity as a whole. The performance was accompanied by the wonderful and mesmerizing guitar of Stefano Durighel (in art Pino Nuvola) a young but incredibly talented composer and musician from Veneto that also presented his new album "FREMOR ARBORUM". As the "show" went on Lucio gave a rundown on the meaning of this small but nevertheless ambitious program of ours. We kept it small on purpose and as he mentioned in the words of Paolo Conte "We came here to play, we came here to dance and to secretly Love"... 


The message is simple, Nature is here to give us all we need and mother us through our troubled existence. Sadly as we have witnessed on that infamous 28th of October 2018, when things get out of hand, through pollution, disrespect and generally mindless behavior, She can get pretty angry. In the northern Italian Provinces (Belluno, Trento etc. ) we were the spectators of a terrible and never seen before Hurricane that decimated Millions of Trees in a few hours of incredibly strong winds. 

The "Anguane" are so a vehicle with which we try to convey a very important message. A reminder of how each one of us should be more conscious of the damage we are inflicting everyday, through the use of carbon fossil fuels, Plastic and poisonous, unaware attitude.


We therefore presented the idea of hosting in the City of Belluno, toward the end of the year, the "Anguaneide" that will be a container of Contamination of Arts and forms of expression. This to involve as many people as possible right at the heart of where that disaster took place. It was pleasing, to say the least, to see the participation of the Local Administration with the presence of the officer of the Academical Theater of Castelfranco Veneto (TV), Carlo Simioni and the Deputy Mayor Gianfranco Giovine. We were able to discuss possibilities and indeed "contaminations" with other artistic realities such as "Arthemigra", of Laura Moro and Matteo Cusinato,  that allowed us to show two teasers of a couple of videos they produced with their Dance collective and with the UNESCO patronage .

We hope all of this will take the form that it deserves and that it will be useful and appreciated and we thank all the people that so far have helped and welcomed us, like Tomaso Longo of Calmaggiore Studio,  with particular attention to all the guys at the ZEPHIRO space that are at the very center of these contaminations and that are constantly working to make sure the RIGHT message is divulged to all people not just the "specialists" and the "insiders", as often happens in artistic "circles".

I'll leave you now with a few images of Saturday morning and for any wuestions feel free to drop a comment or a mail through www.2picture.me or facebook.com/2picture 


If you'd like to know more visit the following links :

SPAZIO ZEPHIRO: http://spaziozephiro.it/

TEATRO ACCADEMICO CASTELFRANCO: https://www.comune.castelfrancoveneto.tv.it/index.php?area=15&menu=220

TANTARTE: https://www.tantarte.org/

CALMAGGIORE STUDIO: http://www.calmaggiorestudio.com/

ARTHEMIGRA SATELLITE: https://www.facebook.com/arthemigra/

UNESCO :  https://www.dolomitiunesco.info/evento/ode-agli-alberi/

PINO NUVOLA: https://www.facebook.com/pinonuvola/





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