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Blog posts tagged in Live music

50 Shades of "Grigio Scarlatto" | a Night @ IMPROVE

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And as it goes on an average friday evening, the best course of action when in doubt is ... IMPROVE yourself. This time I thought I would just say hi, listen to the band for 20 minutes or so and go to sleep but I was in for a surprise. Inde-Pop Rock Band "GRIGIO SCARLATTO" was on for yet another night @ IMPROVE

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Still NO One - All Coasted | a Night @ IMPROVE

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What a night at Improve in Castelfranco Veneto !! Two energy filled bands entertained for a few hours all the guests of "Improve Sala Prove" last saturday. The evening started kind of slow but as people began to arrive a true explosion of sound started, ranging from rock to punk. A light filled rock punk trip .. and thanks to the,kind of psychedelic, lights so to speak.

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Julinko & AZA | a Night @ IMPROVE

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And so Improve became alive once again last Saturday night. JULINKO and AZA where the Star of the evening with an incredibly magical atmosphere made of "Dark Ambient", "Indie Folk", "Dream Doom", "Psych", "ambient drone" and "dark folk". This time Improve wanted to put these two amazing artists together as a sort of Fusion to double down on the "energy release". A sort of Ritual with two deep and hypnotic voices coming from a musical "multiverse". .

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