
2Picture MediA NEWS


Still NO One - All Coasted | a Night @ IMPROVE

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What a night at Improve in Castelfranco Veneto !! Two energy filled bands entertained for a few hours all the guests of "Improve Sala Prove" last saturday. The evening started kind of slow but as people began to arrive a true explosion of sound started, ranging from rock to punk. A light filled rock punk trip .. and thanks to the,kind of psychedelic, lights so to speak.


The four members of the band born at the turn of 2018/2019: Jack - Lead Vocals / Guitar, Gazza - Guitar / Backing Vocals, Gilbo - Bass / Backing Vocals, Gian - Drums, come from different towns between Montebelluna, Marostica and Padua but they have their common base in Castelfranco right where the Improve rehearsal room/studio is located. Their genre, as described on the official Facebook page, is the "SkatePunk" which finds its roots or at least influenced by the Punk Rock of the South Bay of L.A.
For more details on their past you can read an excellent interview on "PUNKADEKA" at this address https://www.punkadeka.it/intervista-gli-still-no-one-si-raccontano 


As soon as they started playing it was clear that professionalism, passion for sound and originality were at home with "Still no One". People immediately understood and a great energy invested the room which is by this time at full capacity, a venue to which I am now fond of. As "Gazza" argues in his interview, the last two years have certainly not been easy and it is truly liberating to be able to spend time again with great sound in a place full of happy people and full of positive vibes.


Pai - vocals and guitar, Turu - guitar and backing vocals, Cri - bass and backing vocals, Cuzze - drums, are the members of this explosive band born in Vicenza in 2015. They too are inspired by the 80s / 90s punk-rock of the US west coast and they too have pure energy to sell !! Also for them if you want to learn more you will find an article at the following link: https://www.punkadeka.it/concerti/all-coasted-the-slurmies-live-jtr/ 


At this point the atmosphere of the room is now at "high temperature" and with the first two songs a tsunami of soap bubbles, notes and colors is unleashed among the shots of gin and vodka served "on the fly" by an enchanting, provocative and super-sexy (... can I say that ? ...)  Cheer Leader in true U.S.A style !!


This time (as all the others) IMPROVE nailed it right on the head by inviting two amazing bands that performed flawlessly in front of an extatic crowd that I am sure will finally keep a good EYE on this excellent spot in the outskirts of Castelfranco veneto (TV).

As a side note .. I managed, during the evening and before one too many beers, to talk to "Anton Ripatti", a psichedelic singer song/writer of PERM that played a few years back always at IMPROVE. .. hem .. he told me that soon he will be doing something here while busy with a tour in Italy !!! Until next time ... If you like the article and some of the pics please share a little "love" and put a like on our facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/2picture ,

but most of all .... KEEP IMPROV-E-ing !!!





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