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GODS of MEL 2019 - Artistic Contaminations
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The last edition of the "Gods of Mel" (2019) at which "2picture Media" could not help but be present both for pure documentary pleasure but in this case also expository and communicative, has been concluded for a few weeks now.
A festival of contemporary music without labels, as defined by its creator, promoter and producer Michele De Gan, which we had the pleasure of meeting in full "post-production" trance a few weeks after the event closed.
Still in full re-creative fervour, he immediately wanted to talk about next year's edition (2020) which he says will be even richer in events and artists than the one just ended. Just as he told us about the personal motivations that led him to produce the first edition of this festival in search of his inner self to be ideally and physically relocated in space time according to its geographical and cultural position. All this also to get everyone to know Mel (BL), his home town.
The "Gods of Mel" (joke paraphrase of the "Gods of Metal" ...) was conceived, on occasions, giving rise to severe complaints from several members of its staff that were put in difficulty by the flood of ideas, in some cases unattainable, proposed by Michele. But above all to remember a friend who died prematurely and to make a substantial contribution to the AIRC (The Italian association for cancer research), to which part of the income is donated. A true modern visionary with a look steeped in utopia but also endowed with a glacial communicative contemporaneity that allowed him, in complete synergy with other local realities, to realize what can undoubtedly be called the "smallest biggest socio-cultural event" in the province of Belluno and one could almost say of the Veneto Region.
Here is a short introduction video from this year (2019) edition of the Festival. Directed by MIchele de Gan and filmed and produced by 2Picture media.
In fact, in the specially equipped space of the Gods of Mel, the most promising artists of the local scene have performed for music, contemporary art and sculpture, dance and visual arts. It is also through the cultural contaminations that took place between the creative agency 2picture Media (of which Michele is also the founder along with Patrick Comiotto) thanks to the works of photographer Patrick Comiotto, the sculptor artist Luciano Longo and the writer Lucio Carraro, already authors of the Anguaneide exhibition recently held at the Spazio Zephiro in Castelfranco Veneto, (See our blog on the exhibition here) that it was possible to gather the first fruits of a sort of aesthetic re-education in terms of visual landscape representation and full respect for the territory the unpublished trio was able to pass on to its admirers, including Michele, the deus ex machina of the "Gods of Mel".
And speaking of "Contaminations", in addition to exceptional foreign guests, there are many local bands that have featured HD Holden, a skunky-folky blues project born between Castelfranco Veneto and Padua, for their vital and spontaneous performance. which brings together different sounds in a subtle balance between analog and electronics. A low fi between blues and nu folk that aims to play electronic without ever using electronics, only acoustic instruments and some effects. From their latest album three official videos have been produced: "Dissolve", "Dead Man Walking Blues" and "Forth and Back", the last dream work set in the ghost town of Fumegai that we propose at the end of this article in addition to a video of their LIVE performance. All this thanks to the precious collaboration with IMPROVE, a promotional association with rehearsal rooms and cultural space that hosts workshops and collaborates with various cultural activities in the area, promoting music and art, local and international.
So food for the soul, but all this without ever underestimating the material aspect of human existence, nutrition. Local foods, craft beers, pizzas, sandwiches, food, alcohol and soft drinks available at the stands during the entire duration of the event.
All this without forgetting that its creator, promoter and producer Michele has returned with his creative journey and already speaks to us about the next edition, that of 2020 where he says that there will be an alien spacecraft that will make Gods of Mel appear on the HIghest Mountain around there ... But this is another story that for now is only in his imagination!
GODS of Mel 2020 edition: dare to believe.
We leave you now with a few shots taken during the initial stages of this year GODS of MEL with HD Holden and some of the people that made it all possible. If you want to know more about HD Holden and GODS Of MEL check the links below. and keep following us on our blog here or on our Facebook Page HERE : http://www.facebook.com/2picture
GODS OF MEL BILL: http://loudandproud.it/gods-of-mel-2019-bill-completo/
GODS OF MEL FACEBOOK: https://it-it.facebook.com/godsofmel/
IMPROVE: https://www.facebook.com/saleimprove/
HD HOLDEN DEAD MAN WALKING BLUES: https://youtu.be/5KzdM7yqhTk
HD HOLDEN FORTH AND BACK: https://youtu.be/LhOgX1IW4FY
SPAZIO ZEPHIRO: http://spaziozephiro.it/