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BioGroove, Nino Errera and Vito Amato in Milan, at the Cathedral.

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And here we are with some news after a couple of hard weeks. It was such a pleasure to meet up again with these two guys from Sicily.

We are still finishing "Through Sounds" (an episode of a new series with Nino Errera)  which will be out soon but in the meantime we came up with the crazy idea of following "BioGroove" all the way to New York City. Yes you read that right, thanks to the "Fondazione Gioventù Musicale" we will be following the two youg musicians that have been invited to play, smack in the middle of the Big Apple and no less that at the prestigious "Carnegie Hall" !!

The duo has created a unique mix between the experiences made with classical music, jazz, contemporary, and Improvisation. This is what "Gian Mario Benzing" has written on the "Corriere della Sera":  "The music they play is surprising and trans-genre, it moves from clever contemporary, to ethnic contaminations and Jazz. They strike, is the case to say, also for the special "grace" with which they treat instruments that are on the outside so "hard" and gestural".

The latest achievement, that is going to project them across the Atlantic, has been a fantastic victory at the "Turnoi international de Musique" in Paris. Among others they were also first at the "Premio nazionale delle Arti" and "Premio Vivi Milano".

Nino Errera and Vito Amato performed also at the "KonzertHaus" in Berlin, at the "Festival Suona Italiano" and "Suona Francese" in Paris, Rai Tre, and also at the "World Arts Performing Festival" in Lahore, Pakistan.

Check out what we did with them last sunday on this short trailer that will be the first of many while we will be shooting a short movie documenting their trip to the USA from Arkansas to NY in a series of evenings where they are scheduled during the first two weeks of May.

Definitely a surprise, especially for the guy that in the end wanted us to leave from one of the most known places in Italy ... The front Square of the Milan Cathedral !! 

I hope the Authorities will not keep a grudge on this ;-)  Enjoy the trailer and see you soon with more news and updates from "BIOGROOVE" !!!

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