LotoArmonico.it with Marzia daRold is now Online - 2PICTURE Media -

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LotoArmonico.it with Marzia daRold is now Online

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And finally the work on LotoArmonico.it is completed. A new website for Marzia DaRold and her LotoArmonico Studio is now live.

Take a look as surely things will move around in the next few months. You'll find information on treatments she provides using color, sound and Music at 432Hz. You will be seeing and experiencing an array of beautiful instruments like the Monochord Table, the Tibetan Bells, a full scale piano and many others.

There are also a few clips we have shot on site at her studio. Take a look on the video section of the website or on our Video Galleries.

For any questions prices and for informations, or to simply get updates on events she organizes take a look at www.LotoArmonico.it and subscribe to the LotoArmonico Blog


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