2Picture MediA NEWS
USA on the road with BIOGROOVE, thanks Giornale di Sicilia !!!!
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After a hectic week of phonecalls, emails, travel plans, sorting out equipment and ideas we are approaching departure.
Monday we'll be flying to NY JFK airport to start this journey with the BIOGROOVE DUO that we talked about with Donatella Boldo at "RADIO BELLUNO" last week. (take a look at our previous posts by clicking HERE for some details of the project)
Nino and Vito are getting ready too and this morning the "GIORNALE DI SICILIA" has published a brief article mentioning our participation. (CLICK HERE for details)
It amazes me how sometime simple ideas can lead to such incredible voyages and what really makes me smile is the incredible sinergy that is coming to life between a few people from "MEL" in the province of Belluno and "Marsala" in the province of Trapani.
Thanks to the ""FONDAZIONE GIOVENTU' MUSICALE D'ITALIA", Extreme North meets Extreme South no less than in New York City !!!
We are super happy to be part of this journey so keep an eye on our Blog and FACEBOOK PAGE for the next few weeks ;-)
As usual SUPPORT OUR WORK with a "LIKE".