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Marzia Da Rold and her new book "Le Campane Tibetane" (The Tibetan Bells) entertained a good number of people last Monday the 25th at the Sala Bianchi in the Center of Belluno. The evening was not "just" about the book, which is now available at selected bookstores or directly from her website: www.lotoarmonico.it
Marzia, talked about the use of sound and music as a mean to enhance the well being of a person as well as cure or facilitate healing for people that suffer from a variety of medical conditions. Particularly interesting, and fascinating, her overview on the use, for example, of the DIAPASON that, as the most generally known acupuncture, will serve as a fantastic remedy on our energy points of pressure.
Marzia went on discussing the, well known by the public, Tibetan Bells and their mystical roots and many other techniques she uses with some of her patients and in her treatments. Marzia Da Rold is the first "Certified Practitioner" in Italy for the Tama Do Academy of which now she is a teacher and for more informations on her Practice and Tools, again take a look at her WebSite Lotoarmonico.it or visit her on FaceBook Page.