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THROUGH SOUND - pilot episode -

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After all good things come to those who wait and we waited a while here :-)

We finally released the first episode of what we hope will become a small series. It was born mostly as a pet project during a couple of days in Sicily last year with Nino Errera.

This is the story of a man that troubled by his daily routine and unsatisfactory life, all of a sudden finds music Through the Sounds of his environment. A sort of awakening that will make him visit many places while discovering beauty around and within himself.

It is an experiment in improvisation that we hope you will enjoy.

We would like to thank "Edoardo Comiotto" for the poems and for being our "Guest" on this first episode, Fowa and Zeiss for some of the Optics,  the Borough of Mel (BL) for allowing us to roam through the awesome walls of the "Zumelle Castle", and obviously all the people that contributed to the making of.

Keep an eye on our BLOG and Facebook Page as in the next few months there are plans to get some "far away desert" shots as well as some .. let's say "high up" views ;-)

As always support our work by subscribing to our mailing list or simply by following our FACEBOOK PAGE by clickinh HERE.

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