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From 2Picture Media with Love: Parole D'Amore, di Cielo e di Terra
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With the coming of the New Year, we are happy to finally put online this short "docu-clip" dedicated to the Volume "Parole D'Amore, Di Cielo e di Terra".
The two authors, Edoardo Comiotto and Beppino Lorenzet have worked a good part of last year to produce this little gem of a book dedicated to Love.
It is a collection of poems written by Edoardo Comiotto with Sculptures, scenography and photographic location organized by Beppino Lorenzet. The photographic material throughout the book has been shot by "Oreste Tormen" with a few contributions offered by myself mainly for the back-cover and advertising material.
The co-authors have presented the book, back on the 5th of October 2013 at the Rinascimental Reception room of the Municipality of Mel, Belluno and it was a pretty good success indeed.
We already posted a couple of months back some information, including a short video of the presentation with Celeste Levis and Claudio Pivetta singing an "Aria di Provenza" from Giuseppe Verdi. (click here to view that post).
Michele De Gan and I were really happy to help with the clip, the setting up of their website and facebook page and we were even happier to provide assistance when needed during the last edition of "Arte in Fiera" in Longarone (BL), where the book had a stand as well.
Edoardo and Beppino are two great artists of the level and sensibility which all the people living in the area should be very proud of.
For informations about them visit the official site for PAROLE D'AMORE: www.paroledamore.org and if you have a few minutes check out their Facebook Page too and share some Facebook Love with a "like" !!
Best wishes for the two Authors and once again many many many thanks to all the people involved and their continuous support !!!