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Biogroove is In Little ROCK !

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So After a couple of days of travel here we are..  One thing is for sure, the EAST coast of the US is really a different world from the WEST that I am so used to!!! 

We drove some 1000 Miles and nearly all of it TREES !!! We passed by "Scotland", Glasgow, We crossed Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Now Kentucky and Tennessee while The Biogroove Duo has finally arrived in Little Rock in Arkansas. 

Not much time for pictures but we shot quite a lot of video on the road which we´ll work on as soon as we get a little time. Hopefully in the next few days.

Here are a few pictures of some of the places we crossed (including a base camp at mammoth cave!!) and some shots of Nino and Vito happily living the beginning of their US adventure toward to Carnagie Hall !!


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