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BANFF Mountain Film Festival 2015 in Brescia
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We were there a couple of days ago. The 2015 edition of the BANFF mountain Film Festival in Brescia was again full of incredible "shorts" and extracts from newly released films.
To present no less than Alessandro Gogna and as a Special Guest Christoph Hainz. Between the many people right in the front row of seats we could also spot Silvio "Gnaro" Mondinelli and of course Marco Preti as well as a few others.
OUR own WINNERS of the evening
Call us sentimentals, '70s freaks, smoochies or whatever else you like but for certain OUR absolute winner of the Evening was "Valley Uprising-The Stonemasters".
Directors: Nick Rosen, Peter Mortimer, Josh Lowell from "Senders Films" and "Big UP" productions.
A fantastic Yosemite Insight which takes you through a climbing and Cultural revolution as well as making a large statement on a true Lifestyle of it's own which became a font of inspiration for Generations past and Generations to come.
Many other (12 in all) clips where shown and "SUFFERFEST - Desert Alpine" was another Favorite.
Directing and Production: Cedar Wright
Alex Honnold and Cedar Wright tells the story of these two, modern day, fantastic Climbers which in 2 weeks top more than 45 towers while riding 700+ miles on a bicycle through Canyonlands in Colorado, Utah and Arizona. Some of the peaks to note, "Dolofright" on Dolomite Tower (5.11 R), "Liquid Sky" on North Six Shooter (5.11++) and "Ivory Tower" on Castleton Tower (5.13b).
A SIGN of our "Times"
Everything else was great too but in my opinion i keep noticing the trend for Mountain Film productions to focus too much on the "WOW effect" with, certainly amazing and truly spectacular performances ( "THE UNRIDEABLES - ALASKA RANGE" with Our own Italian "Filippo Fabbi" ), but forgetting or at least not giving enough space to what we love most and would like to see more of in the future... STORYTELLING and CHARACTER insight. In a way "everything is possible", "we can reach it all" if we want to and "the Sky is not the Limit" anymore... all for what seems to be a great and spectacular Evel Knievel"y" billion dollar Advertisment... None the less WE like them all and super KUDOS to all the amazingly skillful World Class Athletes !!!
Here a few shots of the presenters (Christoph Hainz also talked about his coming Film which will be presented at the "Trento Film Festival" shot last year at the "Tre Cime di Lavaredo" on a spectacular Solo Ascent on the "Via Comici"
Until next time !!!