
2Picture MediA NEWS


A 2Picture Tribute to the Olimpic Bisons of the 41st Marcialonga

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After the Official video of the day with Pietro Piller Cottrer and Silvio Fauner has been released by SPORTFUL we present you with our very own story of the day we spent in their company.  And it was no less in the occasion of the 41st Marcialonga

After the photo gallery we posted a couple of weeks ago (click HERE to see the pictures) we finally got around posting this short video dedicated to the 2 champions as well.

A great Story starting in 1973 with "Giordano Cremonese" of "Sportful" that began his first Marcialonga with the original suit re-presented this year in an up-to-date version by the son Alessio Cremonese.

So, the two Olimpic champions: Pietro Piller Cottrer and Silvio Fauner were dressed to impress and participated, for the 41st Edition of this fantastic competition, not in the company of the pros but instead in the company of the People. Goes without saying a big thank to the Sportful team, Manrico Dell'Agnola, Antonella Giacomini, Katia Zampatti, Marco Capretta, Karpos and all the people involved.

This is the story of that day interpreted by 2Picture.me  Most of all, A BIG thank you to the two Fantastic Olimpic Bisons !!


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