2Picture MediA NEWS
Grotta Dei Sogni, Gualtiero Savi
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What to do on the last day of the year ? Well from an old Movie "Liberate tuteme ex Inferis" ...
So with Katia Zampatti, Vincenza Franceschini, Andrea Moretti, "SpeleoDario Triestin", Simona Lucherini, Giulia "Marameo", and Paolo we made sure that we had a way back from Hell!! An Incredible journey into the guts of Earth on what has been described as one of the most beautiful and at the same time accessible Caves in the area of "VAL ROSANDRA" near Trieste in Northern Italy.
It was my first experience "UnderGround"' and I was very happy for many reasons; First and foremost I discovered that I am not Claustrophobic!!
We spent quite some time in the "Grotta Gualtiero Savi" known also as "Grotta dei Sogni" having to take soome shots of Vicky, the new "Testimonials" for "SLT-Sicurlive" of Brescia, an Italian "Tester and reseller" for PETZL equipment (www.sicurlivegroup.it). The Trip which lasted a few hours crawling and walking in these dark places with photo and video equipment, I must say, it's not in any case for the "light-hearted" .
The atmosphere for a newbie like myself was to say the least "magical". For more information on how to get there and what to expect, you can visit the official site for the Cave Commission "Eugenio Boegan" www.Boegan.it the oldest active Speleological Society in the World, which we thank for having given us access to this amazing place.
We leave you now with a few photos and if you like them, as usual support our work by visiting our FACEBOOK PAGE and gift us with a "like" if you still have a minute.