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A Disegnar Le Vigne - On the prosecco Hills
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On Thursday 8 September I was invited to the inauguration of an interesting project by an established photographer of the Italian scene. Born in Senigallia where he graduated in 1991 in sociology. A professional with great experience also in the cinematographic field. (2003 - Try to fly) For his complete biography visit: LORENZO CICCONI MASSI
I had never been to "Villa dei Cedri" in Valdobbiadene nor to the "old" factory which now has almost nothing old.
Pietro Piva in 1889 acquired the ancient village of Martignago by removing the old buildings to build the beautiful villa and its park with marvelous gardens in the Eclectic Romantic style.
The inauguration of "A DISEGNAR LE VIGNE" took place on Thursday 8 September in one of the annexes, the former factory that was used as a grain mill in the 18th century and later transformed into a silk spinning machine. A part of the former factory has been recently renovated to create a space of great style and perfectly designed for exhibitions and conferences.
Thanks to a collaboration between the "Le Colture" farm, producers of prosecco on the Prosecco hills with a company headed by the same family for almost 500 years, and the municipality of Valdobbiadene, the Lorenzo Cicconi Massi exhibition was inaugurated.
In an era where everything is governed by algorithms and artificial intelligence, where everything must be homologated and standardized and where every discipline must have rules beyond which there is no room for acceptance and consent, it was "refreshing" to travel between the shots of Lorenzo.
Shots that do not simply recall a moment, by way of "reportage", but moments made of emotions. Black and white, of which Lorenzo in my opinion is much more than "master", enhances these moments even more.
Some shots, from Lorenzo's words, are technically "imperfect" but this is precisely what makes them unique and that enhance the impermanence of people, places and things, highlighting the emotional, as well as artistic, aspect of photography that thus it becomes just what I have always believed it to be, an instrument that communicates largely with the heart as well as visually.
During the evening there were several interventions by important speakers such as that of the councilor for culture of Valdobbiadene Giorgia Falcade or Miro Graziotin (The guardian of the hills).
Denis Curti, Director of the photography section of the European Institute of Design in Turin and of the Italian Foundation for Photography and now Director and founder in 2014 of STILL, an organization that deals with 360-degree photography. the aspects of the communicativeness of Lorenzo's images are clearly evident.
Also greeted the public with the celebratory "ribbon cutting", Veronica Ruggeri Daughter of Cesare who together with her sister Silvia and Brother Alberto manage many of the winery's activities.
I believe photography has undergone epochal changes in the last twenty years. Technology, as in many other disciplines, continues to reshape, improve and evolve the tools within the reach of photographers and artists. But one thing remains unchanged (for now) human nature, the human BEING, its unique way of communicating only with a look, a sigh, or a gesture or in this case with a little light and a vineyard. And from the words of Denis Curti, even with a cheap camera you can produce emblematic and "powerful" shots. Lorenzo made the difference in this case by painting with light moments that recall a history of an important territory and its people and their work.
To delight the people present the Institute "DIEFFE", a professional school for new stars in the "catering" business based in Valdobbiadene, provided some of its students for the service that was organized by an old fried of ours Giuseppe Agostini. Also a great music duo, violin (Gege Viezzi) and keyboard (Luca di Rubba) were present with some great Jazz and swing.
You can visit the official sites of Le Colture https://www.lecolture.com/ and of Lorenzo Cicconi Massi https://www.lorenzocicconimassi.it The exhibit will be open to the public until the 7th of October 2022 if you would like to visit.
I leave you now with the rest of the promised shots taken during the day. if you like them remember to share a little social love by following our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/2picture or insta @2picture.me